EcoMunch Home Page
EcoMunch Home Page
Version 2.1
Version 2.1
Version 2.1 adds an installer.
Downloads for Windows
Downloads for Windows
EcoMunch is freeware by Arch D. Robison. The documentation in the downloads describes the distribution rules.
About EcoMunch
About EcoMunch
EcoMunch is a predator-prey simulation based on A. K. Dewdney's Wa-Tor described in Scientific American (1984). EcoMunch extends Wa-Tor by adding two more kinds of predators, and introduces terrain constraints on where predators and prey can live. The fast interplay of predator and prey populations make a visually interesting ecology.
Below is a screenshot of EcoMunch 2.1:
The simulation comes with more documentation. Even young children can have fun constructing terrains, adding some predators and prey, and seeing what happens.
EcoMunch - An Ecology "Chomp" Full Of Fun